
2013/11/1 10:51:06 来源: 网络





  PartI.English Linguistics(40 points)

  1.Define the following terms briefly (10 points)。

  (1)code-switching            (2)fossilization

  (3)diaglossia                 (4)suprasegmental features

  (5) selectional restriction            (6)semantics

  (7)utterance                       (8)Speech Act Theory

  (9)functional shift               (10)idiolect

  2.Distinguish the following terms given in each pair (10 points)。

  (1)contrastive analysis and error analysis

  (2)locutionary act and illocutionary act

  (3)sentence meaning and utterance meaning

  (4)field of discourse and mode of discourse

  (5)over-generalization and over-extension

  3.Multiple choice (5 points)。

  (1)The principal representative of American descriptive linguistics is-------

  A.Boas   B.Sapir    C.Bloomfield   D.Harris

  (2)The most important contribution of the Prague School to linguistics is that it sees language in terms of--------

  A.function    B.meaning      C.signs  D.system

  (3)The  process involving an alternation in the sequence of sounds is-----

  A.loss     B.addition           C.class shift   D.metathesis

  (4)---------refers to any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added. It can be equivalent to a root, or a root and a derivational affix.

  A.Affix     B.Root    C.Stem   D.Suffix

  (5)---------studies the rules governing the combination of words into sentences.

  A.Pragmatics  B.Semantics    C.Syntax   D.Phonetics

  4.Answer the following questions(15 points)。

  (1)。 Explain sociological triggers for language change by giving a typical example in the history of English.

  (2)What is your opinion of language and culture? Answer it briefly.

  PartII English and American Literature(40 points)

  1.Multiple choice(10points)

  (1)Which of the following is not written by Henry James?

  A. The Portrait of A Lady and The Europeans.

  B. The Wings of the Dove and The Ambassadors.

  C. What Maisie Knows and The Bostonians.

  D. The Genius and The Gilded Age.

  (2)In American literature, escaping from the society and returning to nature is a common subject. The following titles are all related, in one way or another, to the subject except _________.

  A. Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  B. Dreiser's Sister Carrie

  C. Copper's Leather-Stocking Tales

  D. Thoreau's Walden

  (3)Which of the following novels can be regarded as typically belonging to the school of literary modernism?

  A. The Sound and the Fury         B. Uncle Tom's Cabin.

  C. Daisy Miller.                  D. The Gilded Age.

  (4) Emily Dickinson wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is not a usual subject of her poetic expression?

  A. Religion.                              B. Life and death.

  C. Love and marriage.                      D. War and peace.

  (5)In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled _______ at Harvard, which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmes as “Our intellectual Declaration of Independence.”

  A. “Nature”                          B. “Self-Reliance”

  C. “Divinity School Address”            D. “The American Scholar”

  (6)American writers after World War I self-consciously acknowledged that they were(a)

  “_______,” devoid of faith and alienated from the Western civilization.

  A. Lost Generation    B. Beat Generation

  C. Sons of Liberty    D. Angry Young Men

  (7)Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth and Pearl are most likely Characters in_______.

  A. The House of the Seven Gables     B. The Scarlet Letter

  C. The Portrait of a Lady            D. The pioneers

  (8) In his realistic fiction, Henry James's primary concern is to present the_________.

  A. inner life of human beings    B. American Civil War and its effects

  C. life on the Mississippi River    D. Calvinistic view of original Sin

  (9)。 The greatest work written by Theodore Dreiser is__________.

  A. Sister Carrie                          B. An American Tragedy

  C. The Financier                         D. The Titan

  (10)greatest work written by Theodore Dreiser is__________.

  A. Sister Carrie                          B. An American Tragedy

  C. The Financier                         D. The Titan

  2.Explain the following term.(15points)

  (1)Local Colorism:

  (2)American Naturalism

  (3)Multiple Point of View

  3.Answer the following question.(15 points)。

  How do you comment on the Victorian lady novelists?

  PartIII Survey of English-speaking Countries (40 points)

  1. Multiple choice(15 points)

  (1)。 The sources of British law include _____.

  A. statutes, common law, equity law and European Community law

  B. statutes, common law and equity law

  C. statutes, common law and European Community law

  D. a complete code and statutes

  (2)。 In criminal trials by jury, _____ passes sentenced and _____ decide the issue of guilt or innocence.

  A. the judge, the jury B. the judge, the judge

  C. the jury, the jury D. the Lord Chancellor, the jury

  (3)。 Canada was divided Into Upper Canada (English speaking) and Lower Canada (French speaking) in _______ and they were united again in _______ .

  A. 1791/1840

  B. 1775/1791

  C. 1840/1867

  D. 1775/1867

  (4)。 Canada's early economic development was founded on _______ .

  A. resource industries

  B. heavy industries

  C. light industries

  D. manufacturing industries

  (5)。 What law made French the offical language in Canada's Quebec?

  A. The Official Language Act.

  B. The Charter of the French Language in Quebec.

  C. The Meech Lake Accord.

  D. The new Canadian Constitution.

  (6)。 The Canadian population is chiefly characterized by _______ .

  A. its size

  B. its growth

  C. its linguistic duality

  D. its French origins

  (7)。 Australia has always been a continent with few people mainly because _______ .

  A. Australia is too far away fram Europe

  B. Australia is the least mountainous and most level of the world's continents

  C. Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas

  D. most of the continent is hot and dry

  (8)。 Christmas is usually connected to ____

  A the reunion of a large family B the eating of Easter eggs

  C the resurrection of Christ D the forgiving of other's sins

  (9)。 The largest of the ethnic minorities in America is ____

  A the blacks B the Mexico-Americans

  C the Spanish-Americans D the Chinese

  (10)。 The British establish ____colonies along the east coast of North American between 16.7 and 1733.

  A. 11 B 12 C13 D14

  3.Fill in the blanks in each of the following incomplete statements with appropriate words.(10 points)

  (1)。 The world-known _____ _____ lies in northern Arizona, which is cut by the Colorado River.

  (2)。 The largest island salt lake in North America is the _____ _____ Lake.

  (3)。 The United States includes _____ states and a _____ district, the District of Columbia.

  .(4) The Declaration of Independence was first read on July 4th, _____.

  (5)。 The two main tributaries of the _____ River are the Missouri River and the Ohio River.

  (6)。 The five Great Lakes lie between the boundary of _____ and the United States.

  (7)。 The Library of Congress is in the city of _____.

  (8) New England is located in the _____ corner of the country.

  (9)。 _____ _____ is the longest and the most important river in the system of Gulf.

  (10)。 The nickname of Houston City is _____ _____.

  11.Short questions.(15 points)

  (1) How did the Civil Wars break out? What were the consequences of the Civil Wars?

  (2)Why and how did the English Parliament come into being?



  1.万念灰 2.三顾茅 3. 推本源 4.不知耻

  1.事半倍  6. 吮痛舔痔shun  7.安勿躁  8.色厉内荏 ren

  1.倾箱倒箧qie 10. 美女簪花zan


  1、著名作家( )的农村三部曲分别是 《春蚕》 《秋收》 《残冬》

  2.我国古代经典著作四书五经四书是大学中庸论语孟子五经是《诗经》 《周易》 《尚书》 《礼记》 和()。

  3.历史剧蔡文姬的作者是现代杰出作家 ( )

  4. 鸳鸯蝴蝶派是兴起于清末,盛行于辛亥革命后至五四运动前后的文学流派。其作品始终不离“卅六鸳鸯同命鸟,一双蝴蝶可怜虫”之类的描写,故名。该流派创办的期刊之一,《礼拜六》周刊时间长,影响大,因此又被称作(礼拜六派) 。代表性作家有徐枕亚的 《玉梨魂》(   )的《美人福》。

  5.(   )是二三十年代中国新感觉派小说的主要作家之一,其作品收录于短篇小说集《都市风景线》。

  三。 名词解释(6分)





  阳货欲见孔子,孔子不见,归孔子豚。孔子时其亡也,而往拜之。遇诸涂。谓孔子曰:“来!予与尔言。”曰:“怀其宝而迷其邦,可谓仁乎?”曰:“不可。”“好从事而亟失时,可谓知乎?”曰:“不可。”“日月逝矣,岁不我与。”孔子曰:“诺,事将仕矣》”  (《论语·阳货》)


