Section I Use of English
1-5DCBAA 6-10 BDCBA 11-15 CDDAC 16-20 BDCAB
Section II Reading Comprehension
21-25 DABCC 26-30 ACBDB 31-35 AADAB 36-40 DCCBD
41 F 42 T 43 F 44 T 45 F
Section III Translation
近来,“可持续性发展”已经成为了一个流行词。但对于宁泰德(Ted Ning)来说,他对这个词永远会有他人无法感同身受的独特体会。(意译)/这个概念永远会有更加私人的含义。(直译)他曾过过一段“痛苦不堪”、“难以为继”的生活,这使他清楚地认识到:以可持续发展为导向的价值观必须通过日常的活动和所做的选择得以体现。(直译)/在他的生命中,曾过过一段“朝不保夕”、“难以为继”的日子,使他觉得痛苦不堪。但他同时也清楚地意识到:日常活动和普世抉择才是决定以可持续发展为导向价值观的关键因素。(意译)
注:(1)“Turn the corner”这个词组在英美应用的十分广泛,它来自于人们的日常生活经历。开车的人可能都有过这样的经验:当你在狭长的路上行进时,感到无比的压抑,极欲离开这个令人不快的地方,有时会突然转过一个弯,眼前豁然开朗,出现一片崭新的景象。这就像中国的一句古诗:山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。Turn the corner也由此来表达“渡过难关,局面好转”的含义。(2)考试时我译得比现在差一些。
SectionⅣ Writing
Dear sir,
Thank you deeply for your most generous support and warm hospitality. Your generosity and help have been an inspiration to me.
Without your hospitality and help, I may never have been able to complete the program and finish my task so well. Welcome to China in the due course, and I will show you around Beijing. I am looking forward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in your beautiful country.
Again, thank you and many blessings to you. Please accept my gratitude and give my kind regards to your family.
Sincerely yours
Zhang Wei
As is indicated by the figure in the table, mobile-phone subscriptions in developing countries are increasing dramatically while the counterpart in developed countries remain stable from 2000to 2008. Most of us may have felt such trend to some extend, but few of us have presented it in a way as effective as the graph has.
Thinking about what is reflected by the chart in depth, we may find that there are many driving forces behind the phenomenon. First and foremost, mobile-phones emphasize to meet the customers' individual needs and personal preference. With the steady improvement of living standards, the market becomes much bigger in developing countries. According to a recent internet survey, about 50%of Chinese people are in need of this kind of service. More importantly, as a new business, the mobile-phone service cater for the fashion, therefore it attracts a large number young people. Last but not the least, in developing countries, this kind of service has made our lives more and more convenient.
To conclude, mobile-phone is a promising business and it will have greater development. So long as we have a right attitude toward and make good use of it, it will surely make our life more comfortable and colorful.